Monday 6 June 2011

Welcome to Sunny June!

Hey guys,

The Rex is back.

Apologies for the extreme long delay. I've had to sort out many things happening in my life and it wasn't up until 2 weeks ago that everything seems to have fallen into place. Here's to a fantastic year ahead!

To kick off, I want to say a huge congratulations to 3 of my very good friends who got married recently. It goes to show that love can truly conquer all! So congrats to Dan and Cat, and finally Kate.

Rather than retrospectively blog, I'll start from today the sixth of the sixth! To pick an item that is the defining moment for me today is quite hard. I have plenty to tell but as I'll probably tease...'all in good time.'

So this item I view as in the 'FUN' category!

When I left my parents' place in Yorkshire, after seeing them for the weekend, at the god-awful 5'o'clock in the morning with puffy eyes, slow head and a tendency to be accelerator happy, I put on one of the highlights of the past year for me...and that is Glee!

If you don't know what Glee is, shame on you. But see a clip below:

Having been in show choir myself when I was younger until my voice broke and made me sound like Barney the dinosaur, I've always become nostalgic for the west end songs or Broadway songs. When Glee hit Great Britain with their Pilot that fateful night in December 2009, I was initially hooked. Then Comprehensively hooked. Then subjectively hooked. I suddenly found myself buying all their music, to which I would sing along to and gyrate to in front of the mirror. My pretend microphone of choice? My iphone of course!

Here's apparantly my most played Glee Track..'Don't you want me' by Lea Michelle (Rachel) and Darren Criss (Blaine). It's a treat!

So clicking on shuffle on 'All Glee Songs' is the button to a very enjoyable car journey! Also adding to the fact that Glee is happening to show their latest episode on E4 later on that day woo woo! It's all Glee-tastic! Here's another clip from that episode showing Lea Michelle (Rachel) at her best.

I won't know what to do with myself after Glee finishes their current series next week...oooh wasn't there an advertisement showing the latest volume of their music? Result! Looks like my iphone and my mirror needs some quality time...

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